GAN Hand Knotted Waterkeyn Rug

We’ve devised a language of jute with you in mind.
This most fibrous and serviceable material has always been there for mankind, standing shoulder to shoulder with us.
The jute of sacks that carry wool, cotton, maize, wheat, salt, sugar, coffee…

Clima Home is proud to feature collections by GAN

Available exclusively at Clima Home, check out GAN furniture at our Miami Showroom

Colors: Please inquire for fabrics w/ patterns or wide repeats

Dimensions Available:

5’7″ x 7’11”

6’8″ x 9’10”

9’10” x 13’2”


Manufacturer: Gandia Blasco

Designer: GAN

Material: 100% Jute

Manufacturing technique: Hand Knotted

Dimensions Available:

5’7″ x 7’11”

6’8″ x 9’10”

9’10” x 13’2”

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 1 in