
The Contour collection of rugs by Art + Loom brings sharp lines, fun textures, and various color palettes to any design space. Made to order, the rugs in the collection include Angles, Blocks, Color Block, Crisscross, Origami Jacquard, Pastel Shapes, Stacked Objects Runner, The Imprint Rug, The Plaid Rug, and The Slash Rug. Each rug in the Contour collection is available in wool, silk, bamboo silk, Tencel, banana silk, and linen and is hand-knotted in 60, 80, or 100 knots per inch with tufted versions available. The Stacked Objects Runner, made of various squares and rectangles stacked on top of each other, is the perfect runner for hallways and corridors, while the dark colors of the Imprint and Slash rugs bring a sense of coziness to any living room.

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