Gloster Accessory Rectangular Rug

What is a home without a few unique enhancements to add that final touch of Style? Outdoor rugs and storage baskets handwoven with soft but resilient acrylic fibers, practical side tables, slatted teak screens, and a selection of imposing fire bowls combine tactile materials with beautifully detailed finishes. The Deco range of occasional items is a stylish way to bring your outdoor experience to life.

Clima Home is proud to feature collections by Gloster

Available exclusively at Clima Home, check out Gloster furniture at our Miami Showroom.

Finishes: Please inquire for fabrics w/ patterns or wide repeats. 

Dimensions Available: 79″ W x 118″ D

Note: Braided Sunbrella acrylic / polypropylene outdoor rope.


Manufacturer: Gloster

Designer: Henrik Pedersen

Material: Braided Rope

Dimensions Available: 79″ W x 118″ D

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 1 in