Gan Citrus Lemon Rug

Oranges, limes, and lemons are the protagonists of these three outdoor rugs made of 100% recycled PET. The fruit’s rounded contours can be seen behind a diagonal grid that simulates the traditional mesh in which they are sold. A resistant material and an acid color palette in different shades of orange, green and yellow make them the ideal accent pieces for cheerful, dynamic spaces.

Clima Home is proud to feature collections by GAN

Available exclusively at Clima Home, check out GAN furniture at our Miami Showroom

Colors: Please inquire for fabrics w/ patterns or wide repeats.

Dimensions Available: 94″ x 118″


Manufacturer: Gandia Blasco

Designer: Jorge Garaje

Material: 100% recycled PET

Manufacturing Technique: Kilim

Dimensions Available: 94″ x 118″

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 1 in